
New service: myoma treatment without cuts and anaesthesia

During traditional surgery removing myomas, often the whole uterus is removed. Thanks to the embolization technique available at our institute, the uterus will not be removed, and the treatment causes only minimum stress for the body, as it is performed without anaesthesia and incisions.

Zoltán Harmat MD, our expert interventional radiologist has performed nearly 2000 successful myoma embolizations.

Depending on the severity of the symbols and the patient’s age, the myoma may be treated with medications or hormones, can be removed surgically or through catheter embolization. The applied surgical procedures can be traditional or radical operations. The surgery can be performed through the vagina or through an incision in the abdomen, and often the entire uterus is removed.

Myomas are benign tumours of the muscle tissue, which are not dangerous in themselves, but they need to be treated because of the mild to severe complications caused by the nodule. The myoma nodules mostly consist of connective tissue and muscle tissue and they can be singular or multiple; in some cases more than one nodule can be present in the same organ. Their size may vary from seedlings to bulky masses which can grown to the size of a watermelon. Myomas rarely occur in striated muscle, they most often appear as uterine fibroids in the smooth muscle of the uterus. Its development and growth is supposedly connected to activity of the ovaries. Myomas develop during childbearing years, often after the age of 25 to 30, and is one of the most frequent gynaecological conditions.

Factors that make people prone to develop myomas are not yet fully known, but it is probable that female sex hormones play an important role. This theory is supported by the fact that during estrogen treatment and pregnancy myomas tend to grow.

After the menopause, developed myomas may withdraw. However, following the last period it is still imperative to have regular gynaecological examinations. Myomas are most often detected during routine gynaecological examinations or abdominal ultrasound examinations. 

Myomas often cause no symptoms. However, depending on their location and the size, it can cause various symptoms, which are in most cases mild, but can cause problems in daily life. Such problems can be vaginal discharge, pain and bleeding. In some cases thus benign nodule can cause severe symptoms. A large myoma may press against the bladder causing recurring urinary tract infections or even incontinence problems. 

Zoltán Harmat MD, the expert interventional radiologist working with Premier Med will be happy to answer your questions about embolization at the consultations.